
Intrinsically Safe

> Surge Protective Devices > T Serie Surge Protective Devices > Intrinsically Safe

T Serie Surge Protective Devices

  • PHL-T24-L4-EX

  • PHL-T24-L3-EX

  • PHL-T24-L2-EX

  • PHL-T5-L4-EX

  • PHL-T5-L3-EX

  • PHL-T5-L2-EX

    12.4mm ultra-thin design; Surge protection modules are hot pluggable, no desconnection after unplugging; Surge protective module can be individually detected, convenient to maintain; Suitable for TC, RTD, CAN, RS485, RS422 and other floating circuit protection signals; Earthing through DIN35 metal rail.
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